Calcite - A brief Introduction

Calcite is mostly found in sedimentary, metamorphic and igneous rocks which turns into the rock called limestone. Some limestone is made when sea creatures die and their skeletons and shells fall to the bottom of the ocean. They pile on top of each other, push on the lower layers, and the pressure makes limestone. Calcite is mined using quarrying or underground mining. If the calcite is not far underground, then quarrying is used. If it is too far underground for quarrying to work, then underground mining is used. Mainly used for making glass, paper, photography, statues, building and animal food. Calcite may form as an undesirable coating on top of another mineral. The calcite can be easily burned off by soaking it in acid, which will cause it to effervesce and eventually dissolve, leaving the mineral below exposed. Calcite is also found in marble, a metamorphic rock, which forms when limestone is put under strong heat and pressure. 

Calcite crystals have three planes of cleavage. This gives perfect crystals of calcite. The most famous way of identifying calcite is the acid test. When you place a drop of weak acid, such as vinegar on calcite, it will bubble. This happens because a reaction causes a little bit of the calcite to break down, releasing carbon dioxide gas, making the bubbles.

Industrial Application

1) Calcite in pulverized form finds use mostly as filler in rubber and textile goods.

2) This mineral is also used in ceramic industry for the preparation of glazes and super white quality of calcite powder form (-300 Mesh) is used in the manufacture of paint and distemper.

3) Also used to manufacture cement, calcium carbide, metal polish and sometimes as a fluxing agent.

4) The transparent and clear crystals are used in the optical industry, for the manufacture of nicol prism.


1) Calcite is indispensible in the Construction Industry, forming the base of cement.

2) Many important chemcials are created from calcite as well as useful drugs.

3) Used in the manufacture of fertilizers, metals, glass, rubber and paint.

4) Calcite also forms rocks that are used for ornamental purposes such as marble.

5) Also used for the manufacturing of drawing chalks.

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